Event Log:
Circular or Blocked. Up to 1000 event logs can be stored.
Only the latest events will be stored if there are over 1000 event logs. The oldest event will be deleted so
that the new event can be added.
Blocked event:
Only the maximum number of events will be stored. Any event that occurs after the 1000th event will
not be stored. Event logs consist of a log of the start of test, end of test, errors, alarms, frame loss, etc. The log will
have a timestamp, event type, and count (number of errors occurring in that instant).
Tx Start:
Tx & Rx (Coupled), or Tx Separate. Configure how the measurements are started when in BERT and Multiple
Streams test modes.
Tx & Rx (Coupled):
Transmitter and receiver are turned on at the same time and the Tx and Rx measurements start
at the same time at the start of the test.
Tx Separate:
Independent control (Start/Stop) of the transmitter is enabled. At the start of the test only the receiver
is turned on - the user must start the transmitter manually.
Auto Save:
ON/OFF. When enabled, it saves the results automatically at the end of the measurements.
Measurement Settings - Manual
7.0 BERT
7.1 BERT Setup
BER testing at Layer 1, 2, 3, and 4 is supported. The test can be configured to use either regular PRBS patterns, stress patterns or
user defined test patterns to simulate various conditions. All patterns are encapsulated into an Ethernet frame to verify bit-per-bit
performance of the circuit under test. Prior to testing, the test layer, frame header, traffic profile, error injection, and control settings
of the far-end device (if applicable) must be configured.
Layer 1:
Unframed mode (fiber ports only) or Framed mode
Unframed mode:
Test traffic consists of a bit stream of the selected test pattern
Framed mode:
Test pattern is encapsulated into a valid Ethernet frame with SOF, Preamble and CRC field
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 1 Unframed)
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 1 Framed)
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