Variation (Current) - Interframe delay variation
BERT Results - Delay
7.2.8 Saving BERT Results
Once the test is completed, results can be saved by pressing the save function key on the keypad. The results will be saved and
named automatically. Once saved, the user can view or rename the files by going to the results folder of the files menu.
8.0 RFC 2544 Conformance Testing
Service providers often need to test the end-to-end performance of the link when deploying Ethernet services to customers. The
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFC 2544 “Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices” defines tests
that describe the performance characteristics of a network interconnecting device.
RFC 2544 recommendations are well accepted in the test and measurement industry for network performance testing. The RFC
2544 test suite consists of and performs a set of four automated tests (throughput, latency, frame loss, and burst or back-to-back)
to qualify the performance of a network link under test. The tests are especially popular for the verification of network links with
certain service level agreements (SLA).
The following settings must be configured prior to RFC 2544 testing:
Test layer (Layer 1/2/3/4)
Frame header (MAC, VLAN, MPLS, IP, UDP, and Data)
Test frames selection
Pass/fail thresholds (optional)
Far-end unit loop control
Frame loss
Burst (back-to-back)
8.1 RFC 2544 Setup
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