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Doc. IS0xxx
Rev.04 | Date: August 25, 2021
MCP-8I Quick Start Guide
Early and Late Start Tolerances
The Sensor’s
Early and Late Start Tolerances
are displayed on the Top-Lefthand side of the
Glue Inspection Tolerance Graphic. The Number displayed on the Lefthand side indicates the
current setting of the
Early Start Tolerance
. The Number displayed on the Righthand side
indicates the current setting of the
Late Start Tolerance
Figure 19: Glue Pattern Graphic (Start Tolerances)
Early and Late End Tolerances
The Sensor’s
Early and Late End Tolerances
are displayed on the Top-Righthand side of the
Glue Inspection Tolerance Graphic. The Number displayed on the Lefthand side indicates the
current setting of the
Early End Tolerance
. The Number displayed on the Righthand side
indicates the current setting of the
Late End Tolerance
Figure 20: Glue Pattern Graphic (End Tolerances)
Glue Pattern Animation Types
Centered Pattern Animation
There are 4 different scenarios that will cause the Pattern Animation to be Centered between
the vertical lines on both of the tolerance boxes to the left and right of the pattern.
The Glue Animation will be Centered and Green in the following scenarios:
After performing a Learn.
When the last evaluated product’s Glue Start and Glue Length matches the
learned positions
Figure 21: Centered Green Glue Pattern Animation