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Doc. IS0xxx
Rev.04 | Date: August 25, 2021
MCP-8I Quick Start Guide
How to Install a New Sensor Module
1. Power
the MCP-8I Control Unit, and wait for a few minutes for all of the circuits to
properly discharge.
the ‘
MCP-8I’s Display Cover
’ by unscrewing the 4 retaining screws holding it in
place to the control’s base assembly.
Figure 1: MCP8I Overlay Screw Locations
the ‘
Sensor Module
’ into the next available empty slot.
Figure 2: Inserted Sensor Module
the ‘
MCP-8I’s Display Cover
’ using the attached 4 retaining screws.
Note1 –
It is advised that the person installing the
Sensor Module
, use a electronic grounding
strap to eliminate possible electronic damage due to static discharge.
Note2 –
It is not advised to remove a
Sensor Module
and replace it with another in the same slot.