© 2010 Veriteq Instruments Inc.
About Loopback Test Mode
The loopback test mode
should only
be enabled when
doing diagnostic tests to solve problems with logger
communication. The Loopback Test Mode checkbox must be
unchecked to communicate with the connected data logger.
Unchecked is the default setting.
When the loopback test mode is enabled, it enters a
diagnostic mode where data received from the client PC is
transmitted back to the PC, but not to the data logger. This
can help to determine if a communication problem is due to
the data logger, the vNet device, or the driver on the PC. A
change to this setting only takes effect when the port is
closed, then reopened. The checkbox is automatically
cleared when the vNet device is restarted, or if more than 1
hour has elapsed since it was checked.
Using RealPort
The serial port on the vNet device can be accessed using the
Digi RealPort protocol. If a RealPort driver is installed on a
client PC, it can be configured to access the serial port using
the RealPort TCP port number.
The factory default setting is 771.
It is important to note that only one RealPort client can
connect to the vNet device at a time. The RealPort driver
should only be installed using a Veriteq vNet Device Driver
installation disk to ensure that the client PC will only connect
to the vNet device when trying to open the serial port. When
the serial port is closed, the TCP connection is also closed,
allowing another client PC to connect to the vNet device.
If the driver is installed from a Digi Software & Documentation
CD, the RealPort driver on one client PC will connect to the
vNet device when the PC starts and keep the TCP
connection open. No other PC will have access to the vNet
If needed, there is a setting in the RealPort driver that can be
changed to permit access from multiple computers (see page