GS-4000 Setup and Operations
made to a separator graphic the positioning change is applied automatically and can be
seen while viewing the crawl. When XY changes are made to a background graphic the
change has to be applied to the crawl by going to the Crawl Channel General tab and
unchecking and rechecking Custom Bk.
The X Advance field changes the pixel spacing between the messages when a graphic is
used as a separator. When the value is set to 0 pixels the spacing is determined by the
width of the graphic. A value of 1 pixel or more will override the graphic spacing.
The Picture Size button opens the Resize Picture window allowing resizing of graphics.
The Picture Bounds section of the size window allows independent resizing of height or
width or it can preserve the original aspect ratio. The New Bounds Auto section contains
some common conversions that can be applied with a single button push. The Use Resize
Presets function allow additional custom sizing presets to be built.