Bill reactivation is available if the bill has a bill number or table number. Unlike DX, under "Table number system",
bill number is not necessary to reactivate the track. DX must have the bill number with table number.
Bill reactivation is not available after any Z-reset report is taken.
The deleted information will never be printed on the reports.
"REACTIVATE" message can be printed on receipt after reactivation operation by adding "Reactivation Message"
to FINAL RECEIPT in Program > Print > Print Format. If Journal Data is enabled,
message is
added to Journal Text regardless of the print format setting.
The subtotal amount on this list always includes the tax amount.
You can pick up the media closed bills from other POS on the same IRC line (same IRC location) if "Floating
track" (System > System option > Communication) is selected.
You can print German declaration form if German is selected (Program > Others > Invoice > System Option) when
you reactivate the bill.
The re-printed German declaration is memorized on the customer bill memory.
As for EJF, bills before bill reactivation are NOT saved. Since various reports are generated from EJF on HX, HX
only saves the final bill after bill reactivation.
From V3.10, the same invoice number as in the original receipt will be printed on the receipt which is issued after
reopen bill/table so that invoice number jump will not happen. This is applied to "General" type Invoice.
When "Reactivation" is performed, registered PLUs, media, and taxable / tax of the previous transaction is
canceled, and the receipt with "REACTIVATE VOID" description is issued.
Additional Program
System > System Option > Track > Page 2 > Original receipt data is canceled on the re-issued receipt
Print > Print Format > Final Receipt > REACTIVATE VOID