UniPOS Repeater IFS7002R
Instruction Manual Page 40
Revision 2/16.11.09 Of 62
control panel must be connected with all
remaining repeaters and fire control
panels within the system – either directly
or via a retransmitting station.
Example: In the network in
Appendix 4, the remote panel parameters “Security” are as follow:
Name – “Security” (item
CAN address – “1” (The address is unigue for the local network. The address value there is no
connection with the priority. The parameter should be in the range between 0
Priority communication level – “Master” (Sets communication level of the repeater in the
structure of local network. Onlu one object in the network can be defined as “Master”. All rest
objects should be defined as “Slave”).
Total connected CAN objects – “6” (Sets the number of assigned objects. In our examp there
are 6 – Bulding #1, Building #2, Building #3, Building #4, Warehouse, Transport gate. The
data for the assigned CAN objects will be added in the settings of the main remote panel in
section 10.4.2).
The connection of many objects (fire control panels and repeaters) in a network supposes the
identification between them. Thus they should have a unique sign. In the networks it is usually a
number. It is formed by decoding of several parameters – name and address. The object name is
generally required for the “human interface” – the user to be able to distinguish easily the devices
connected in the network. The other obligatory parameter is the address. It is the factual parameter
used by the software for data exchange in the network. Each device should be assigned a name and
an address during the configuration.
In IFS 7000 series the devices share a common address space. The maximum number of repeaters
and fire control panels UniPOS connected in CAN network is 32. The name is of importance only for
the user and an object having a local name might be assigned another name suitable for user when it
is added to the list of local objects.
After the local network parameters have been configured it has to be selected:
The devices that the local object will operate with.
What options the user wants to configure for data exchange.
Use the menu for adding an object for this purpose. Fire control panels and repeaters have to be
physically connected in advance in the CAN network so that the option could be used. For their proper
operation and data exchange the local parameters of these objects have also to be accurately
configured before that.
The next menu provides the possibility for adding a CAN object, with which the repeater will exchange
data or perform control.
Menu “CAN Objects”
The menu serve for describing of the connected to the panel remote panels (CAN objects).
It is divided in the following submenus:
Menu “Review/Change CAN Objects”
Menu “Add New CAN Object”
Menu “Delete CAN Object”
Add New CAN Object
Use this menu to add new fire control panels and repeaters (CAN objects) to this repeater.