F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
Document No: LT0117
Operating Instructions - System Functions
Page 6-16
19 April 2002
Issue 2.38
The event printer output and history log for networked F4000s logs only local events, ie.
events and alarms from other panels are not logged. A Network Printer that prints network
events is available with the Protocol Translation Module (PTM), or Network Display Units
(NDU) or Networked F3200 FIPs.
There are, however, a number of additional events that can be produced by a networked
F4000. Those events relating to a remote panel are identified by a description of SID XX,
where XX is the SID of the panel that caused the event.
The new events are:
NET SCAN FAIL/NORMAL - FAIL: the specified panel failed to communicate on the
network due to it being offline or there being a problem with the network cabling;
NORMAL:the panel began communicating again.
NET FOREIGN DEVICE - an unexpected panel is communicating on the Panel Link
Network for Link Integrity testing.
NET COMMAND ACCEPTED - a network command was received from the specified
panel and validated for further processing. The events immediately following this
event may have been the result of executing the received command.
NETWORK EVENT QUEUE OVERFLOW - the local F4000 was generating events
faster than it could send them onto the network. Some events will have been lost.
The lost events may have been recorded on the event printer or in the history log.
This event should occur only in cases of extreme network loading, many events
occurring on the FIP simultaneously or a network cable fault.
NET MSG DISCARDED - the local F4000 discarded a message that was repeatedly
sent to another device on the network that did not acknowledge it. To allow other
messages to be sent on the network, the unacknowledged message was discarded.
Messages should be discarded only in cases of extreme network loading, if the
system addressed does not exist or if it is currently off line, or if network cables are
This event immediately generates a System Fault that will automatically clear itself
30 seconds after the last discard occurred.
Note that discards from SID 0 indicate that an acknowledgement to a broadcast was
not received.