F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
Document No: LT0117
System Description
Page 2-16
19 April 2002
Issue 2.38
The "CLEAR" key, when pressed once, is used to step backwards through the previously
entered command sequence.
The Brigade test key, "BRIG TEST", can be pressed at any time, regardless of any
command sequence being entered.
The "BRIG TEST" key, when pressed and held for 2 seconds, signals an alarm to the
brigade, plus the FFCIF alarm LED is turned ON.
The brigade alarm condition is active for as long as the "BRIG TEST" key is held down.
When it is released, the brigade test condition is removed, and if there is no MAF alarm the
brigade alarm relay and FFCIF alarm LED will return to their inactive states.
Note that in some cases, activation of the brigade test function may be programmed to be
disabled, although activation of ancillary functions controlled by the BGT token will still occur
if the key is pressed and held.
When the LCD is not displaying the alarm list or being used for entry of a command
sequence, it shows one of the following information displays:
Base Display - in general, this shows the system name and current time and date. In
addition, another field indicates the software version, whether the FIP has processing
enabled, is Automatic testing, or Powering up. If off-normal conditions exist, totals of
the off-normal states, or a fault action text, are displayed.
The actual display shown depends upon the current state of the FIP.
A special form of the base display is active whenever the Fault Sounder is operated.
In this case, the LCD indicates that a fault is present, and displays a fault action text
that will have been configured by the installer of the system.
Pressing any key will stop the fault sounder, which also clears the message from the
display. An operator can then ascertain the source of the fault using the LCD keypad
(eg offnormal counts, fault recalls) and the status LEDs.
Zone Recall Display - shows zone status for a particular zone. The "NEXT" and
"PREV" keys can be used to select a different zone. The "next" and "previous" zone
displayed is dependant upon the selected recall, e.g. all zones, only those zones in
alarm, only those zones that are isolated, etc.
Point Recall Display - shows either point status (alarm, fault, etc), analogue values
(current and tracked values, history), analogue levels (current levels and
sensitivities), or detector % dirty information.
F4000 V2.35 treats ADR circuits and relays as points, thus their status can be
recalled and searched.