Document No: LT0117
F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
System Description
Issue 2.38
19 April 2002
Page 2-7
The F4000 system may include up to eight (8) Remote Zone Display Units (RZDUs) that are
monitored by the FIP, to provide repeater indicator panels at strategic points in large
premises. (i.e. mimic the zone displays of the master FIP at other parts of the protected
building). A number of additional non-monitored RZDUs and IO-NET boards may also be
The RZDU may be LCD based like the FIP, or be LED only. With both types 'System' and
'Fire Brigade' functions are available via the keyboard.
Programming of the RZDU allows it to display only a selected range of the zones shown at
the FIP. This could allow, for example, an RZDU on each floor of the building to show only
those zones on that floor.
In combination with the FIP's ability to allow Brigade function keypresses from an RZDU to
act upon a selected range of zones, RZDUs can provide for flexible zone display and control
applications to be configured.
The RDU (an LCD-based RZDU) can also send Brigade Test, Bells Isolate/ De-Isolate, and
Ancillary Isolate/De-Isolate commands to the FIP.
Additionally it allows individual zone acknowledgement, reset and isolate commands via the
FFCIF, and zone reset, isolate, de-isolate and status recall from the standard menu system.
2.1.6 COLOUR
The F4000 System supports the addition of colour graphics display and control terminals
(CG4000) on the RZDU communication bus.
These units can be programmed to show graphical displays on zone alarm or fault
conditions. The operator can use function keys or the optional touch screen to generate
Silence, Reset and Isolate commands to the FIP and thus have remote control of the
brigade functions. The CG4000 will run on an IBM AT or compatible computer.
A serial printer may be connected to the F4000 Master FIP to provide a log of events and
operator actions. The FIP can be programmed to print any combination of the following
event types:
Zone Events, e.g. Alarm, Fault;
Zone Commands, e.g. Reset, Isolate;
Circuit & Point Events, e.g. Alarm, Fault;
A 24 hour "System Running" event.
The printer will always print System Events, e.g. communications failures, battery faults, etc.
The printout includes the time and date, the cause of the event (e.g. Zone, Circuit, RZDU or
FIP), and the event type. Events and commands for zones that have had a text name
programmed also have the name printed. The FIP is able to store up to 200 events for
printing, being the first 200 events to occur.
As events are printed, more events are able to be put into the list. If events cannot be put
into the list because it is full, the FIP keeps count of those events it has had to discard.