F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
Document No: LT0117
System Description
Page 2-24
19 April 2002
Issue 2.38
Whenever entry of a network command is completed, the F4000 attempts to send the
command to the correct panel on the network. It will then wait for a response from the
receiving panel.
The F4000 LCD display will show messages during this time to indicate what is happening.
"Network Command Sent"
- the F4000 successfully stored the message for sending to the
other panel. The F4000 network driver will send the message across the network.
"Network Command NOT Sent"
- the F4000 could not send the message because of high
network loading, or because the LCD display was still awaiting a response to its last request
for data.
"Network Command Accepted"
- the receiving F4000 received the command and
processed it.
Note that even though a remote panel accepts the command, it may not action it. In this
case an exception message may be sent back to the originating panel - refer Section 2.5.7.
"Network Command NOT Accepted"
- the receiving F4000 received the command but did
not process it. This may be due to a number of factors:
The command was invalid because, for example, the zone number was invalid, or the
command issued could not be executed on the command subject, eg. trying to alarm
test an ACZ.
The command could not be executed because: a similar but mutually exclusive
command was in progress (Reset); only one of the particular command could be
executed at the same time (Alarm Test); or the receiving F4000 was in a state which
means that the command could not be executed. (No processing).
"Network Command NOT Ackd"
- the receiving F4000 should respond as soon as possible
with an Accepted or NOT Accepted response. If network loading is high, or the remote
F4000 is busy or is off line, a response may not be received within the programmed time. If
the time limit is exceeded, the local F4000 displays the above message. Note that
depending on the circumstances, the command may or may not have been received and