Guards must not be acknowledged when persons are in the dan-
ger zone. The personnel must always make sure that nobody is
in the danger zone before acknowledging.
Personnel are only allowed to operate the machine with func-
tional guards. Guards are not allowed to be removed or put out
of operation.
The operator must immediately report changes (including the
operating performance) occurring in the machine to the user.
The guards must be checked for integrity and functionality once
per shift and after a collision.
The user must provide the necessary personal protective equip-
ment for the personnel.
The user must make the wearing of personal protective equip-
ment mandatory and monitor compliance with the regulation.
The personal protective equipment must be regularly checked
with regard to completeness and condition. Safety glasses and
protective shields must be free of damage and scratches. Protec-
tive clothing, protective gloves and safety shoes free of blem-
The prescribed switch-off procedures must be adhered to during
all work (e.g. setting and maintenance work).
The user must comply with the national regulations for handling
exhaust air from the compact dust extractor and the dusts it con-
The exhaust air of the compact dust extractor must be guided
outside into the open air, depending on the national provisions,
when processing stainless steel and materials from which sub-
stances that pose a health hazard can arise as suspended dust.
For the processing of mild steel or aluminum, for example, the
cleaned air of the compact dust extractor may be fed back into
the room air.
Water protection
Water-pollutant substances should not enter the ground or into
water bodies.
National regulations for water protection must be observed.
Water-pollutant materials
≤1000 l (≤264 gal)
Water protection specifications
Tab. 1-8
Organizational measures to be taken by the user
Checking danger zone and
Providing and checking
personal protective
Observe the shutdown
Observe the user
responsibilities when
handling exhaust air