TX6000 Series Operation Manual Ver1.4
BNUMber Set the display page as the bin number display.
BCOunt Set the display page as the bin count display.
LIST Set the display page as the list sweep display.
MSETup Set the display page as the measurement display.
CSETup Set the display page as the correction setup.
LTABle Set the display page as the limit table setup.
LSETup Set the display page as the list sweep setup.
SYSTem Set the display page as the system setup page.
FLISt Set the display page as the file list page.
For example: WrtCmd(“MEAS:PAGE MEAS”), Set the display page as the LCR
measurement display page.
Query syntax: MEASlay:PAGE?
Return format: <page name><NL^END>
<page name> can be set as the following items:
<LCR MEAS MEAS> The current page is the LCR measurement display page.
<BIN No. MEAS> The current page is the bin number display page.
<BIN COUNT MEAS> The current page is the bin count display page.
<LIST SWEEP MEAS> The current page is the list sweep display page.
<MEAS SETUP> The current page is the measurement setup page.
<CORRECTION> The current page is the correction page.
<LIMIT TABLE SETUP> The current page is the limit table setup page.
<LIST SWEEP SETUP> The current page is the list sweep setup page.
<SYSTEM SETUP> The current page is the system setup page.
<FILE LIST> The current page is the file list page.
The :LINE command is used to set the current measurement item which can be a
substring with up to 16 characters. The :LINE? query returns the current
measurement item. The character string of the measurement item can be used as
the file name when saving a file.
Command syntax: MEASlay:LINE”<string>”
<string> can be an ASCII character string (maximum number is 16).
For example: WrtCmd(“MEAS:LINE” Resistor meas””)
Query syntax: MEASlay:LINE?
Return format: <string><NL^END>
The :ResultFONt command is used to set the current font of the measurement
result. The :ResultFONt? Query returns the current font of the measurement
Command syntax: MEASlay:RFONt <font>
<font> can be the following information:
LARGe: Use large character to display the measurement result, 12ms/meas.