TX6000 Series Operation Manual Ver1.4
In this page, the following control parameters can be set. (Items in parenthesis
can be set)
Test function (FUNC)
Test frequency (FREQ)
Test level (LEVEL)
Test range (RANGE)
DC Bias (BIAS)
Test speed (SPEED)
Trigger Mode (TRIG)
Auto Level Control (ALC)
Output Resistance (Rsou.)
Average times (AVG)
Voltage/Current Level Monitor ON/ OFF (Vm/Im)
polarity (DCR POL)
Trigger delay (TRIG DLY)
Step delay (STEP DLY)
DC range (DC RNG)
DC level (DC LEV)
Deviation Test Mode A (DEV A)
Deviation Test Mode B (DEV B)
Deviation Test Reference Value A (REF A)
Deviation Test Reference Value B (REF B)
Some zones listed below are as same as that on <MEAS DISPLAY> page, so it
is not necessary to introduce in this section, but others will be introduced briefly
in the following sections.
Test function (FUNC)
Test frequency (FREQ)
Test level (LEVEL)
Test range (RANGE)
Test speed (SPEED)
DC Bias (BIAS)
Trigger mode
There are 4 trigger modes on TX6000: INT, MAN, EXT and BUS.
When the trigger mode is set as INT, TX6000 will make sequential and repeated
When the trigger mode is set as MAN, press [TRIGGER] once, TX6000 will make
one test.
When the trigger mode is set as EXT, once the HANDLER interface receives a
positive impulse, TX6000 will execute one measurement.
When the trigger mode is set as BUS, once the IEEE 488 interface receives a
TRIGGER command, TX6000 will execute a test. The BUS mode cannot be set on