Site planning for the SwitchMaster Eight Segment Bridge requires
consideration both of site conditions and of the Ethernet IEEE 802.3
standards to which the SwitchMaster Bridge conforms.
2.1 Site Considerations
The site for the SwitchMaster Bridge must provide the following:
AC power outlet for each SwitchMaster Bridge Unit
Adequate ventilation
Standard environmental conditions
Isolation from electrical noise, including radio transmitters and
broadbank amplifiers, motors, high power electrical lines, or
fluorescent light fixtures
The twisted pair cables should not run in the same conduit with
power line cables.
Phone lines should be separated from data cables.
Flat or “silver satin” wires should not be used.
2.2 Ethernet Network Considerations
NOTE: A segment is the cable connection, including connectors, between
cable interfaces in an Ethernet LAN.
For 10BaseT and mixed media networks containing 10BaseT segments:
Repeater sets are required for all segment interconnections
A Media Access Unit (MAU) is part of the repeater set and counts
toward the maximum number of transceiver devices on a segment
The transmission path between any data source and destination can
consist of no more than five segments.