Analog and binary outputs
The Tracer AH.540 is configured at the factory per unit configuration and order
information. The controller is applied to air handling product configurations
supporting analog modulating valves, economizer damper, and face and bypass
damper. The controller supports a constant volume or variable air volume supply
General description
The configuration of analog and binary outputs is largely based on the unit
configuration. Each of the five analog outputs and two binary outputs is assigned
a specific function:
Table 6 — Analog outputs
Table 7 — Binary outputs
Output overrides
The Tracer AH.540 controller includes a manual output test function.
This function can be initiated by depressing the Test push button on the
controller. Use this feature to manually exercise the outputs in a defined
sequence. For more information about the manual output test function,
see the
Figure 1
The Tracer AH.540 controller includes a water balancing function, which can
be controlled by Rover™ or another communicating device to selectively drive
open or closed the water valve outputs. For more information about the water
balancing function see the
Sequence of operation
AO 1
Supply fan speed (VAV units only)
AO 2
Cooling valve output (water)
AO 3
Heating valve output (water or steam)
AO 4
Face and bypass damper output
AO 5
Outdoor air damper output
AO 6
Not used
BO 1
Supply fan start/stop output
BO 2
Exhaust fan start/stop output