Sequence of Operations
Recognizing ScaleBreak
's saturation
e:: Goodway Technologies ScaleBreak-MP is the
recommended de-scaling solution.
Understanding the cleaning effectiveness or scale
dissolvability of ScaleBreak-MP during a cleaning is an
important part of the procedural steps. This simple
practice is designed to make sure the solutions activity
level retains functionality. Performing these tests can
be accommodated in two straightforward methods, by
measuring the pH value of the circulating solution and
mapping the readings or a simple calcium carbonate
spot test of the circulating solution.
Testing the pH of the ScaleBreak-MP solution during a
circulation is one method that will identify ScaleBreak-
MP’s activity level. The pH of ScaleBreak-MP starts out
with a value of less than 3. As ScaleBreak-MP dissolves
the deposits within the equipment, it absorbs the
calcium into a liquid suspension, thus naturally
neutralizing the solution. Frequent pH readings at
intervals of every 10-15 minutes will allow you to map
the solutions activity during a cleaning procedure.
e:: When testing the pH with a consistent pH
reading below 3 and the solution abruptly rises, take
additional readings to make sure this is a consistent
pattern. If the pH has a consistent 5.5 reading or greater
for multiple readings, the solution has become
neutralized and it needs to add additional product to
complete the cleaning. If its circulated for the
recommended time duration, the pH did not go above 4
and its not visually seeing any additional bubbling and
foaming, the cleaning is complete. You can now start
flushing the piece of equipment with clean water.
A calcium carbonate spot test is performed by simply
having a sample of your ScaleBreak-MP solution come
in contact with a form of calcium carbonate. The
calcium carbonate utilized can be a sample of the
deposit you are cleaning, a calcium tablet or concrete.
When you add the calcium to your ScaleBreak-MP
solution, if the product is active, it will bubble and
foam. If you add the calcium tablet and visualize little
reaction, your solution is neutralized. You can perform
this test with new ScaleBreak-MP so you understand
how fresh product will react vs depleted. If your
ScaleBreak-MP solution has lost its effectiveness, you
will need to add fresh ScaleBreak-MP to complete the
cleaning. If your ScaleBreak-MP remained active during
the recommended cleaning duration, you can perform
a clean water flush.
e:: Deposits comprised primarily of rust (Fe
O3) can
give false pH readings. The pH value will remain
low, yet the solution will be inactive. In situations
where rust prevalent, the following calcium spot
test is recommended.
Circulation Pump Setup
Circulation pump can be setup completely external to
the Modular Self Contained unit eliminating the need
to remove panels for access. The entire system can be
cleaned with this external setup.
Figure 49.
Circulation pump