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TR-Electronic GmbH 2016, All Rights Reserved
TR-EMO-BA-GB-0022 v03
Page 141 of 153
10.13 Manual tuning of the position and speed regulation
Required parameters:
"Main cycle frequency 1/Tc=fc/Hz" 0x2EF4:0x1 // read-only, PWM or regulator cycle
"Write protect key" 0x2EF4:0x7 // 0x6C430000 unlocks writing regulator parameters.
"Q17 RegPosWi/Tc" 0x2F02:0x4 // Position integral part
"Q17 RegPosW1/Tc" 0x2F02:0x5 // Position proportional part
"Q17 RegPosW2/Tc" 0x2F02:0x6 // Position differential part
"Q15 RegPosW3/W4" 0x2F02:0x7 // Position forward control, must be 0 or 0x8000.
"RegPosrKS" 0x2F04:0xA // Global position amplification
Q17 and Q15 mean fixed point numbers with 17 and 15 bit after the decimal point.
Therefore Q15 0x8000 is the same as the floating point value 1.
1/Tc means the reciprocal value of the PWM or regulator cycle Tc. This is the main or
PWM cycle frequency, usually 10000 Hz. In every cycle the regulators update their
output signals, depending on the input signals. If the transfer functions of the
regulators are shown as Bode gain plots, the regulator parameters Wi, W1, W2, W3
and W4 are the corner frequencies. These are the joints of the curve segments, where
the slope changes most.
General hints:
For standard loads with a reasonable gear ratio the default parameters for the position
and speed regulation should work good enough. Heavy loads with a low gear ratio or
stick-slip friction may require some tuning.
If there is no brake resistor attached to the chopper output of the drive, an external
brake chopper must be connected to the supply for the motor power. Otherwise the
drive may not be able to brake according to the ramp parameters and overshooting is
inevitable. Also an oscillating drive may cause a heavy recuperation and high
overvoltages on the power supply, which may destroy electronic components.
External brake resistor 3 Ohm/150 Watt
External brake chopper "miControl mcEr-L40"
Check if the drive is able to reach the target acceleration, speed and deceleration of
the ramp settings. This can be done by activating the following error:
"FollowingErrorWindow" 0x6065 = 1/4 motor revolution
"FollowingErrorTimeout/ms" 0x6066 = 100
If following errors occur frequently, decrease the ramp settings accordingly or mount
another gearbox. If the drive is physically unable to follow the reference ramp, lagging
and overshooting is inevitable.
For calculating the physical limits of a drive, gearbox and load combination TR offers
an Excel calculation sheet as a free download:
Only change the parameters of the position regulation. Changing other manufacturer
parameters may worsen the function of the drive a lot. If they are related to the current
regulation, the may even destroy the drive. The write-protection exists for good