Projecting with TwinCAT System Manager V2.10
TR-Electronic GmbH 2016, All Rights Reserved
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Page 138 of 153
TR-EMO-BA-GB-0022 v03
10.12 Position adjustment by Homing (operating mode 6)
Since the firmware version 21-January-2016 only the standard position adjustment by
the Homing operating mode is available.
For an easy readjustment after exchanging a damaged device, connect the available
limit switches and the home switch to the digital inputs 2
to 2
and use a suitable
homing method according to the "EtherCAT Drive Profile". Detailed explanations to
the digital inputs see remark in chapter
“Profile Position Mode (operating mode 1)”, as
from page 133.
Only the homing methods 17 to 30 and 35 are available, because the other methods
require an index pulse from an incremental encoder, and the encoTRive devices are
always equipped with absolute encoders.
If there are no limit switches, the homing method 35 must be used. Only for this
method the drive may be turned off. The drive must stand at a known position, which
is the preset value. The scaling for the position measurement must be setup properly,
so that the preset value is within the measuring range.
The polarity flags for the position and the velocity must be set to their final values
before starting the homing. If they are changed, the homing must be repeated!
In previous firmware versions a non-standard position adjustment was available too. It
was sufficient to write the required value into the actual encoder position 0x6064. The
zero position is immediately adjusted accordingly and stored in the non-volatile
This method is disabled now for security reasons, because it is prone to accidental
losses of the position adjustment, which might be a severe security risk.
Example 1:
Sequence for the safe position adjustment by homing method 35:
"Operation mode" 0x6060 = 6 (Homing mode)
Wait until "Operation mode display" 0x6061 = 6
"Homing method" 0x6098 = 35
"Home offset" 0x607C = negative preset value (= negative known position)
"Control word" 0x6040 Bit 4 = 0.
Wait until "Status word" 0x6041 Bit 12 (Homing attained) is 0.
"Status word" 0x6041 Bit 13 (Homing Error) must be 0.
"Control word" 0x6040 Bit 4 = 1.
Wait until "Status word" 0x6041 Bit 12 (Homing attained) is 1.
The drive adjusts the current position to the negative home offset, toggles 0x6041 Bit
12 from 0 to 1, and stores the new position adjustment permanently.
"Status word" 0x6041 Bit 13 (Homing Error) must be 0.