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3.2 EtherNet/IP
™ transmission types
The EtherNet/IP
™ communication protocol CIP™ above TCP and UDP is used for
following purposes:
1. Control
2. Configuration
3. and Monitoring or Collection of data
The control portion of CIP
™ is used for real-time I/O messaging or
. The information portion of CIP
™ is used for message exchange or
Explicit Messaging
Figure 2:TCP/IP Stack Handling
3.2.1 Explicit Messaging, exchang
e of information’s
Non-time critical data transfers, typically large packet size. Information data
exchanges are short-lived explicit connections between one originator and one target
device. Information data packets use the TCP/IP protocol about the port 44818 and
take advantage of the TCP data handling features.
3.2.2 Implicit Messaging, exchange of I/O data
Time-critical data transfers, typically smaller packet size. I/O data exchanges are long-
term implicit connections between one originator and any number of target devices.
I/O data packets use the UDP/IP protocol about the port 2222 and take advantage of
high-speed throughput capability of UDP.