Safe Work
Rules for Installation Work
[ 1 ] Before Installation
(1) Check the safety rules and the workmanship standards for the plant.
(2) Make sure that all personnel involved know the nature of the job and the installation procedure, and
agree as to the best way to get them done.
(3) For jobs requiring a group effort, choose a supervisor whose instructions should be followed thoroughly
by all.
(4) For jobs requiring a group effort, agree beforehand on words or gestures for giving and confirming signals.
(5) Wear safety shoes.
(6) Check the work places and their surroundings. If any unsafe point is found, take the necessary action to
make it safe.
For example
1) When anchor bolts, power cable conduits and
air inlet piping are spread out before installa-
tion, mark them clearly with brightly colored
cloth or a flag so that workers can avoid trip-
ping or hitting the machine and carriers
against them during installation.
2) If there is any unstable footing due to any pits
(for exhaust, piping, wiring, or other purposes)
which are dangerously uncovered, put on a
temporary cover to prevent falling accidents.
3) Use specified tools matched to the job to be
There is no such thing as a perfectly safe machine when improper handling or
ignoring precautions stands in the way. Any incorrect usage could possibly
result in a serious bodily injury, in the worst case it could cause death, and/or
substantial property damage.
TOYOTA has done everything possible to assure optimum safety. However, it
cannot be completed without your understanding and efforts.
It is impossible for the manufacturer to take into account individual operating
conditions of the machinery at the user site and prepare an instruction manual
covering all information relating to the machine operation. We, therefore, ask
you to establish your own individual safety standards for each safe job of instal-
lation, operation, adjustment, and maintenance, by referring to this guide.