Studying Loom Connection to TMS Scanner PC
[ 1 ] Prepare The Plant Layout Drawing
The plant layout drawing is to study the cable lengths and computer mounting positions. Prepare
a drawing allowing correct indication of dimensional information such as the plant size, computer
room position, etc.
If the loom positions are not shown in the layout drawing, indicate them in the drawing. Each
loom may be abbreviated as a rectangle but with correct length and in correct position.
In case different models like JAT710 and JAT610 are mixed, distinguish the models in different
[ 2 ] Indicate The Computer Mounting Positions in The Plant Layout Drawing
Indicate the mounting positions of two computers: TMS scanner computer and TMS computer.
Computers are precise electronic devices. Select the positions that can be protected from flies
and dewing.
Example of plant layout drawing
(Prepare a drawing allowing dimensional grasp of size, etc.)