1.5 Other Equipment
Separate Take-up Motion
Connect the power supply to the separate take-up motion as shown below. Since this is a typical
example, however, it is not always applicable to all separate take-up motions.
[ 1 ] Power supply to separate take-up motion
When operating the separate take-up motion using the plant power supply, it may be connected to
the secondary side of the no-fuse circuit breaker (NF1) in the loom control box, but limit the power
consumption by the separate take-up motion to within 500 W. If it requires more than 500 W, provide
a separate power supply. To supply the plant power from the loom control box, use terminals R1, S1
and T1.
If 200 VAC is required as the power supply to the separate take-up motion, use terminals U2, V2
and W2 in the loom control box. The power consumption by the separate take-up motion in this case
should also be limited to within 500 W.
[ 2 ] Running/forward signal
If the run, forward and reverse signals from the loom are required, use the magnet contactor auxil-
iary or relay terminals.
(1) Other than towel loom
Note 1: In the SC inverter type model, the reverse signal relay is not provided in the loom control box.
If the reverse signal is necessary, replace it with a combination of the CRF (forward slow inching relay) and MSY
(normal running contactor).
Connect the normally close contact (closed in other than forward revolution) of CRF with the normally open contact
(closed in other than normal running) of MSY in series to replace the reverse signal.
(2) Towel loom
[ 3 ] Loom stop signal from separate take-up motion
To stop the loom by an instruction from the separate take-up motion, provide a relay contact (nor-
mally open) at the separate take-up motion, and connect it to pin Nos. 92 and E of CN36 (see below
for pin assignment) of the loom I/O-1 board.
Since the connector with a cable is delivered in case of the separate take-up (preparation type), per-
form cable-to-cable connection.
[CN36 pin assignment]
Group inverter
SC inverter
Contactor or relay for commercial power supply ON during continuous running
Contactor or relay for forward revolution
ON during forward revolution (normal run-
ning or slow inching)
Note 1
Contactor for reverse revolution
During reverse revolution (slow inching)
Towel potion inverter (relay)
Normal running relay
ON during normal running
Forward slow inching relay
ON during forward slow inching
Reverse slow inching relay
ON during reverse slow inching
Pin No.
Signal name
Pin No.
Signal name
Separate take-up, stop input (92)
Separate take-up, stop input (E)