2) Computer setting
The computer can basically communicate only with the computer belonging to the same network. For
communication with a computer in a different network, it is necessary to send the data to the router once,
from which it is to be sent to the computer in the different network. This router is called the default gate-
Add default gateway setting to the network setting of the computer.
Set the IP address assigned to the router port as the default gateway.
If the default gateway has already been set to the computer, the plant network may
already consist of two or more networks with the router already belonging to a network. In that case, it is
necessary to set the routing information to the loom network additionally to the existing router. Similar
setting is also necessary for the router added for loom network connection. (It is necessary to set static/
dynamic routing.)
Ask the plant network manager for the setting.
For the computer in network 1
For the computer in network 2,
input 123.456.78.254.