Domestic Hot Water Heat Pump Service Manual
DHW-HP starts operation on selection of BOOST mode, T BOOST <SP -5k
HP stops operation at Temp HP Max SP (D33) 60°C
DHW-HP continues heating water using EL only until SP (63°C)
Electric Heater restart is based on SP (63°C) -5k (58°C)
HP restart is based on Temp HP Max (D33 = 60°C) -5k (55°C)
HP stops operation at Temp HP Max SP (D33) 60°C
DHW-HP continues heating water using EL only until SP (63°C)
P4 BACKUP mode
This is an emergency mode. The water is heated up by the electric heater only at a lower set
temperature. The water temperature set point is set in the installer menu, D12 (Backup T).
In the case of an error, a message is displayed on the LCD display requesting if Back Up mode is
required. There is a yes/no input selection required to activate or disable.
The legionella control remains active.
Set Point
Backup T
The temperature level at which the El heater
heats the water when BACK UP mode is
activated /selected
0 ~ 65
EL starts when BBT3 (T Tank t) < D12 (BACKUP T) -5°C
EL stops when BBT3 (T Tank t) = D12 (BACKUP T)
Back up mode can only be deactivated after rectifying the cause of the fault. Once the fault
has been repaired a power cycle (Off/ On) is required to reset the error code. Normal operation
can be resumed by pressing the arrow, up or down, buttons to select the required operating mode.
If an error occurs, using the up or down buttons, select Yes or No, if no is selected the unit has No
If Yes is selected the DHW-HP changes to BACKUP operation and the unit operates at the
BACKUP mode temperature setting from D12.
After fault rectification and power reset, using the mode selection screen, choose operation mode.