TH2683A Operation Manual
Query Syntax: SYSTem:HPOWer?
Return format: INTernal (indicating the current HANDler power is INTernal), EXTernal (indicating
the current HANDler power is EXTernal).
Mass MEMory Subsystem Commands
Mass MEMory subsystem commands are used to set the storing and loading of the files (specific
to the internal files).
Command tree:
Mass MEMory
:STATe <record number>
:STATe <record number>
The :LOAD:STATe command is used to load the files stored.
Command syntax: MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <value>
file sequence number of 1
20 (NR1)
For example, WrtCmd(“MMEM:LOAD:STAT 1”);
The :STORe:STATe command is used to store the current setup of the instrument to a file.
Command syntax: MMEMory:STOR:STATe <value>,<name>
file sequence number of 1
20 (NR1).
file name (suffix .STA is not required, the length is less than 15
For example, WrtCmd(“MMEM:STOR:STAT 1,ABC”);
GPIB Common Comamnds
The *RST command resets the instrument.
Command syntax: *RST
For example: WrtCmd(“*RST”);
The *TRG command triggers the measurement and then sends the result to the output
Command syntax: *TRG
For example: WrtCmd(“*TRG”);
NOTE: ”*trg” will be valid when :INIT:CONT ON and trig:sour bus commands are enabled.
The *IDN? query returns TH2683A’s identification string.
Query syntax: *IDN?
Return format: <manufacturer>,<model>,<firmware><NL^END>