Operating Instructions TNI
20s oxy Version 2.7
Version 1.6.3 July 2010
water up to the filling mark and place it in the device. Connect
the applicator to the humidifier unit, adjust an air flow of 20
l/min (only AIR) and switch the device to operating mode.
Press the Standby button once to switch to the drying
mode. The device automatically finishes the drying phase
after a minimum of 30 minutes and maximum 90 minutes,
depending on the ambient temperature. Any residual liquid
secretions will be blown out over the nose prongs during the
drying process. Remove this and then wipe the outside of
the applicator with a cloth soaked in biodegradable cleaning
solvent. Dry it well in order to avoid calcareous deposits
6.2.4 Work steps for preparation
1. Pre-clean the device to remove any contaminations from
use and remove any residual moisture in the device.
2. Wipe off the physically non-sterilizable components with
suitable disinfectant (humidifier basin). Immerse all the
demountable parts, such as separator panels, connecting
hose, humidifier cover and applicator in disinfectant solution
(immersion disinfection).
3. Rinse and dry the chemically disinfected device components
(remove any residual deposits).
6 Hygiene