Thermo Scientific CryoStar NX70 Operator Guide
Appendix B - Recommended Disinfection Procedure
Cold D + Sanosil®
Disinfection of the cryostat chamber as per protection level 2 as per the Regulation of Biological
Substances Act (BioStoffV; GBGI. I S. 50; 1999 S. 2059) and the Technical Regulations on Biological
Substances (TRBA 10; 09/1999).
Universal Precautions
All specimens can be potentially infectious; because of this universal precautions
should always be followed when handling cryotomy specimens and cryostats.
Definition of Disinfection
Disinfection is the destruction of pathogens by physical or chemical means. It is not as fully effective as
sterilization. Disinfection destroys most recognized pathogens, but not necessarily all microbial forms,
such as bacterial spores.
Disinfection Procedure for the CryoStar cryostat
Wear appropriate protective clothing: double gloves, gown, mask and protective eye wear.
Remove all disposable blades and knives from the chamber and disinfect them
Using a paper towel remove all tissue trimmings and waste material from the cryostat chamber.
Bring the cryostat chamber to room temperature before beginning the disinfection process.
Use 5% Sanosil® as the disinfection agent. Spray the solution throughout the chamber, let sit for
20 minutes, drain, and then wipe with absorbent towels.
Dilute bleach (5%) may be used as an alternative to 5% Sanosil®.
Spray the chamber surfaces with 70% alcohol. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes, drain,
and again wipe all surfaces with absorbent towels.
Sanosil® can be ordered by the manufacturer and/or the local dealers in the respective countries or by your
respective Thermo Scientific contractual partner (cat. no. 350150).