4531200 / 1052
Two Place Rotor
Scenario 1 – One properly filled equal volume PD in each trunnion. (2 total)
Scenario 2 – One properly filled PD in one trunnion and one balance weight (of equal weight) in the
opposing trunnion.
Four Place Rotor
Scenario 3 – Same as above for one or two PD’s
Scenario 4 – One properly filled equal volume PD in each swinging trunnion. (4 total)
Scenario 5 – One properly filled PD in three of the trunnion and one balance weight (of equal
weight) in the fourth trunnion bucket. (3 total)
CAUTION: If the unit is not loaded with one of the five scenarios listed above the unit will IMBALANCE
and not continue.
CAUTION: The process disposables are single patient use only. Do not re-use or re-sterilize. Reuse of
disposable products may cause illness, injury or even death. Discard all unused components at
the end of the procedure.
Loading the Process Disposables – APC & BMAC
Press the LID button and open the lid
Load the swinging trunnions as described in one of the five scenarios. Be sure to line up the “white
dot” indicator on the trunnion with the white dot on the PD. Rotate the PD as necessary to ensure
proper alignment.
CAUTION: Be sure the PD is properly seated as shown
Close the lid
Press the START button in SMP2 with serial numbers 0101-5999: For SMP2 Systems with serial
numbers 6000> press the blue PRP button for platelet concentrate or orange BMAC button for
bone marrow concentrate.
The TIMING window will display the remaining time till the end of the cycle. When the cycle is
complete the DONE led will flash and an audible alarm will sound.
Press the LID button and remove the PDs.
Refer to the Instructions for Use accompanying the Processing Kits.