Model CFA-24 Transparent Cable Farm Automation Switch Reference Manual Page 72 of 78
set cut <line> <location> <open time in seconds> <period> <count>
Valid Values
<line> is only a single channel number or range of channels (Only single channel can be interrupted)
<location> co, cpe or both
<open time in seconds> is the length of time for which the line is open in seconds
Allowable Range: 2 s to 60 s
Increments: 1 s
<period> is the time of the complete cycle. The cycle consists of the interrupt time and the closed time.
Periods are only in seconds.
Allowable Range: 1 s to 180 s
Increments: 1 s
<count>It represents the number of line on/off events to execute.
Allowable Range (Cut): 1 to 40 counts
Increments: 1 count
set cut 1 co 1 2 5
ACCEPTED set cut 1 co 1 2 5
Channel(1) interrupt running
Note: the $ prompt is returned once the interrupt is complete.
set interrupt off
Execute this command to turn off a cut and microcut type of interrupt currently running.
While microcut or cut interrupt is running, this command must be entered from a second Telnet