Configuration Setup
Disable Detectable Points
Once basic setup is complete, disable the unused points on the system. This lightens the load on the
NC120 CE Modules and allows for faster alarm transmission. If unused points are not disabled, the CE
module will continuously poll all detectable points for station connection.
To disable all detectable points, select
in the page selection pane of the Config Tool. In the
pane, click the gray
Disable All Detectable
button. A warning will appear noting that this
action cannot be undone. Click
For an autodetected system, configuration is now complete. Choose
File>Save Configuration
and then
File>Commit Configuration to System.
Configure a Custom System
Use the following set of instructions to program the system if custom wiring is used.
Start the LS450 Config Tool software. On the splashscreen, choose the IP address of the Tek-CARE120
system on the left and select
New Default Configuration
on the right. The default configuration will be
loaded into the LS450 Config Tool software.
Next, choose
File>Save Configuration
. Choose a descriptive file name, and save the configuration.
Refer back to
Configure an Autodetect Configuration on page 26
to enable and name modules and
Set up Room Controller Points
Once the modules have been edited, it is time to enable the points that the stations are connected to.
Refer to the completed programming worksheet that was created during system installation to ensure cor-
rect programming.
The most important concept to remember during system configuration is the relationship between points
and Station IDs.
The most common scenario is a one-to-one association. For example, a room controller that has been
given the address 1 on its DIP switches would be installed outside of room 101. Any stations in the
room would be connected to the appropriate points on the rear of the room controller.
There are two steps for setting up points. First, edit each Station ID using the
Edit Multiple
then change station assignments if necessary.
in the page selection pane of the Config Tool. Click
Edit Multiple
in the details pane to
open the
Edit Multiple
Referring to the completed programming worksheet created during installation, select the default stations
to be edited. Select a group of stations that are wired the same way.
If there are multiple wiring configurations on the system, break the stations into groups, e.g., Wiring Con-
figuration A, B, C, etc. Select all of the wiring configuration A stations and edit them, then select all of
the wiring configuration B stations and edit them, etc.
Once the edit multiple window is open, select the Station IDs to be edited. Once stations are selected,
enable the points that have stations connected and choose the correct station type and behavior.
IL992 Tek-CARE120 Installation Manual
TekTone Sound and Signal Mfg., Inc. All Rights Reserved