2.5nm, 1nm and closed.
PMT Mode and PMT Value
PMT Mode refers to the boosting mode of the photomultiplier. PMT Value can be entered in
manual mode, the range is 0
Open the cover plate of the sample compartment lid, the high voltage will automatically
switch off. Close the cover plate, it is necessary to reset in the interface of “Setting”.
Wavelength Scan
As shown in Figure 3-19, the parameters required for wavelength scan are described as
Figure 3-19 Dialog box of wavelength scan parameters for WL Scan
Scan Mode
There are three Scan Modes: EM Scan, EX Scan and Synchronized Scan from top to
Start WL
Start value of wavelength scan can be input from 200nm to 900nm with a minimum step
size of 0.2nm, the start wavelength must be less than the end wavelength at least 1nm.
End WL
End value of wavelength scan can be input from 200nm to 900nm with a minimum step size
of 0.2nm, the end wavelength must be more than the start wavelength at least 1nm.
Fixed WL
Fixed value of wavelength scan can be input from 200nm to 900nm with a minimum step
size of 0.2nm.
Scan Speed
Speed of wavelength scan: 30, 60, 240, 1200, 2400 and 30000nm/min.