Don’t pull the lamp by the positive wire when fixing the positive end with a nut. Be sure to
reserve a natural bending section of the positive wire, if the positive wire is pulled too tightly, the
xenon lamp will be at the risk of being damaged when lighting it.
1.6 Lamp Position Adjustment
In order to optimize the performance of the instrument, please adjust the position of the
lamp after the initial installation or replacement the lamp. The adjustment method is as follows
(Raman spectrum of distilled water is used for adjustment):
1) Turn on the instrument and the xenon lamp;
After five minutes, turn on the computer and start the system initialization;
Fill distilled water to a clean cuvette and then put it in the sample holder;
Close the cover of the sample chamber
Choose “Wavelength Scan” and set the following parameters: EM Slit and EX Slit are
10.0nm; Range of PMT value is 600
700V; Scan mode: EM scan; EM Start WL is 350nm,
EM End WL is 450nm; EX Fixed WL is 350nm; Speed is 240nm/min; Interval is 1.0nm;
Click “OK”.
Click “Start”, the instrument will start the wavelength scan.
Select the maximum absorption wavelength of Raman peak of distilled water after the scan.
Record the wavelength (it’s usually around 400nm).
Click “Time Scan” and set the parameters of time scan. The parameters are set as below:
EM WL is a, EX WL is 350nm, Resp. Time is 0.5S, Scan Time is 600S, click “OK”.
Click “Start”, and the instrument start the time scan.
Use a Phillips type screw driver to adjust the screw (Figure 1-9) on the focusing mirror
during the run process of “Time Scan”. Ensure the energy value of Raman peak to be
maximum (Figure 1-10).
Figure 1-9 Adjust the Phillips screws (Philips) of the focusing mirror