3 - Software Communication
Operating Commands
Cavro® XLP 6000 Modular Syringe Pump Operating Manual, 734237-C, en
3 - 45
Report Commands
Report commands do not require an [R] command.
All Report commands are invalid in CAN communication. The frame type 6 is
provided to retrieve information from the pump. For more information, see
Appendix F, "CAN Communication Commands".
Report Absolute Plunger Position
The [?] command reports the absolute position of the plunger in half-steps
[N0] or in microsteps [N1, N2].
Report Start Speed
The [?1] command reports the start speed in pulses/sec [50..1000].
Report Top Speed
The [?2] command reports the top speed in pulses/sec [5..6000].
Report Cutoff Speed
The [?3] command reports the cutoff speed in pulses/sec [50..2700].
Report Actual Position of Plunger
The [?4] command reports the plunger encoder position in increments.
Report Valve Position
The [?6] command reports the valve position in mnemonics (i = input, o =
output, e = extra, and b = bypass for non-distribution valves.
For distribution valves, the [?6] command reports ASCII values 1..X, where X
is the number of distribution valve ports.
?10 or F Report Command Buffer Status
The [?10] or [F] command reports the command buffer status. If the buffer is
empty, the pump returns status code 0. If the buffer is not empty, the pump
returns a 1. If a program string is sent to the pump without an [R] command,
the string is loaded into the buffer and the buffer status becomes 1. An [R]
command will then execute the command stored in the buffer.
0 = empty
1 = commands in buffer
Report Number of Backlash Increments
The [?12] command reports the number of backlash increments as set by the
“K” command.