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Cavro® XLP 6000 Modular Syringe Pump Operating Manual, 734237-C, en
3 - Software Communication
Operating Commands
e <n>
Execute Non-Volatile Memory Program String
Non-volatile memory command strings are executed by sending an [e]
command. The executing program string can be terminated using the [T]
where <n> = 0..14 (the string number)
Note: An Initialization command should always be included in the non-volatile
memory command string if the pump will be used in standalone mode.
Set Run from Non-Volatile Memory Auto Mode
The [U30] command sets the “Run from Non-Volatile Memory Auto Mode” flag
in the non-volatile memory and begins operating the pump in stand alone
mode. The pump will run one of 15 command strings <n> as selected by the
address switch,
where <n> = 0..E
Clear Run From Non-Volatile Memory
The [U31] command clears the “Run from Non-Volatile Memory Auto Mode”
flag in the EEPROM and begins operating in the default mode.
Note: U commands take effect upon the pump’s next power up.
Linking Program Strings in the Non-Volatile Memory
Non-volatile memory program strings can be linked by ending one program string
with an [e] command that refers to a second program string.
Example Program Strings:
The first string loads an initialization and prime sequence into program 1 of the
non-volatile memory (address switch position 1). It then links to string 2 in the non-
volatile memory.
The second string loads an aspirate and dispense sequence into program 2 of the
non-volatile memory. The second non-volatile memory program string fills the
syringe, then performs 10 dispenses of 300 increments each. The dispenses are
triggered by an [R] command. This string is repeated endlessly until the pump is
powered down.
On power-up the pump will automatically initialize, prime and perform the multiple
dispenses until it is again powered down.