Communication GUI Guide
GXE600 Series
11) CV/CC status
12) Output voltage 13) Digital CV target
Over voltage threshold
15) Over current protection mode 16) Output current 17) Digital CC target
18) Over current protection threshold
CV/CC status
Indicates that it is in CV control state or CC control state.
It is not displayed when the CV / CC target is "Digital".
Output voltage
Indicates the output voltage of GXE. Numerical notation and bar meter are synchronized.
Digital CV target
T he digital CV target is indicated by the slide bar and the numerical value,
and these are synchronized.
Slide bar accepts mouse operation. Numerical notation field can be input with keyboard.
If CVCC Configuration is analog, the slide bar will be fixed at the upper limit
and the numerical notation field will be hidden.
Therefore, you will not be able to operate the CV target (see the figure below)
Please refer to "3.4 PS Configuration" for Analog / Digital setting of CV target.
Over voltage threshold
T he Over voltage threshold is indicated by the slide bar and the numerical value,
and these are synchronized.
Slide bar accepts mouse operation. Numeric value input field is available with keyboard.
Over current
Indicates protection operation mode at Over current. T he protection mode is determined by
protection mode
the magnitude relationship between overcurrent protection threshold and CC target.
Over current protection threshold
CC target
Constant current Limit
Over current protection threshold
CC target
Output current
Indicates the output current of GXE. Numerical notation and bar meter are synchronized.
Digital CC target
T he digital CC target is indicated by the slide bar and the numerical value,
and these are synchronized.
Slide bar accepts mouse operation. Numeric value input field is available with keyboard.
If CVCC Configuration is analog, the slide bar will be fixed at the upper limit
and the numerical notation field will be hidden.
Therefore, you will not be able to operate the CV target (see the figure below)
Please refer to "3.4 PS Configuration" for Analog / Digital setting of CC target.
Over current
T he Over current threshold is indicated by the slide bar and the numerical value,
protection threshold
and these are synchronized.
Slide bar accepts mouse operation. Numeric value input field is available with keyboard.