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Code 32--> 000-255 time-out seconds. The alarm will be activated after
the defined time-out.
Duress code enable/disable
Code 50--> 0 = Disable
1 = Enable
In operation modes card and global code or card and pin code
enables activating the alarm and the door simultaneously.
Define Duress code
Code 53--> 0000-9999
Enables defining what will be the duress code
Card parameters
Refer to how the proximity track will be read:
Reset alarm
In set-up mode, after keying-in code 51, key-in 4 to shut-off the alarm.
2 digits
Start position
Card number offset
2 digits
Length (01-06)
Card number length
2 digits
Total characters Number of digits on card (when defining 00 - doesn’t
check card length- accepts all card lengths up to 6)