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Translation from original instructions
8.3 Cleaning the remote exchanger
When present, the remote heat exchanger is the component that needs looking after the most.
8.3.1 LE and LE/HP motocondensing units
For the "LE" and "LE/HP" motocondensing and reversible motocondensing units, the component that needs looking after
the most is the remote finned pack heat exchanger installed in the room.
Please refer to the manual for the timing and modes of operation.
8.3.2 LC and LC/HP condenserless units
For the "LC" and "LC/HP" condenserless and reversible condenserless units, the component that needs looking after the
most is the finned pack heat exchanger.
It is essential to keep it clean and free of dirt and/or deposits that can hinder or prevent air flow.
Regular cleaning of the surface of the coil is essential for the unit to work correctly and also increases the operating life of
the exchanger and the unit.
Frequent and correct cleaning of the coils contributes to considerably reducing corrosion problems.
Please refer to the manual for the timing and modes of operation.