We reserve the right to make changes without any prior notice.
Translation from original instructions
With reference to the European waste management directive, we inform you of the following:
- The owner of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) is obliged not to dispose of it as non-separated municipal waste,
and must dispose of it via separate collection through public or private waste collection systems as required by local
- The owner can return EEE to the dealer at the end of its life when purchasing equivalent new equipment.
This EEE may contain hazardous substances such as refrigerant gases, lubricating oils and accumulators or other mate-
rials, and improper or incorrect disposal of them may have adverse effects on human health and the environment.
Incorrect disposal of them also entails penalties as provided for by local regulations.
The symbol shown on the equipment, which indicates separate collection of EEE, is a crossed out wheelie bin accompanied
by a solid horizontal bar and identifies that it was put on the market after 13 August 2005.