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Translation from original instructions
2.2.10 Refrigerant leak detector
A refrigerant leak detector with semiconductor sensor can be installed on the units.
This device allows immediate detection of refrigerant leaks, with a warning or with stopping of the unit in pump down, de-
pending on how it is managed.
The installation of the device is in line with European F-GAS regulations and USA ASHRAE regulations.
By default, the device is set at 100 ppm with a one minute delay.
Local regulations may require different calibration values with specific sensor checking and calibration procedures.
The main regulations require a check with tests at least once a year.
Check your local regulations on calibration and the testing requirements.
The detector must be tested and/or calibrated by a qualified technician.
To test and calibrate the device, qualified operators must know the rules and regulations laid down by the industrial sector
and/or by the country of installation.
In the event of a significant refrigerant leak with prolonged exposure, check the sensor and, if necessary,
replace the sensing element.
In any case, the sensing element of the device has a lifetime after which it must be replaced.
As regards the device testing and calibration method and procedures, refer to the “+0300035EN” manual available on the
site www.Carel.com in the “Services” section of the “Documentation” folder.
For replacement of the sensing device and for other accessories needed for calibration, refer to your custo-
mer service centre.