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Translation from original instructions
7.1.3 Preliminary operations for LE and LE/HP units
In addition to the previous general checks, the units with remote exchanger require further investigation:
- check the correct connection of the environment control to the terminals as in the wiring diagram;
- make sure there is an air flow control switch in the remote exchanger (in the case of units with several remote exchan-
gers, a flow control switch must be installed for each one);
- make sure the fans are turning the right way;
- follow the instructions given in the documentation for the remote exchanger.
7.1.4 Preliminary operations for LC and LC/HP units
In addition to the previous general checks, further checks are needed for units with remote condenser exchanger:
- make sure the fans are turning the right way;
- connect the signals of the thermal safety devices of the fans to the terminals arranged inside the electrical control panel
of the unit, as shown in the wiring diagram;