Users Manual – svs4021, svs2020,svs2050, svs2051, svs1020, svs1050, svs285, svs340, svs625
p. 19
Last Update 20.07.2009
Since a GigE camera always needs a single controlling application, there will be
only one master application. That controlling master application has to open a
camera in multicast mode (IP 232.x.x.x for local multicast groups) for allowing
other applications to connect to the same image data stream. Other
applications will become listeners to an existing image data stream. They will
not get control access to the camera, however their eventual packet resend
requests will be served in the same way as for the controlling application.
When using SVCapture as the controlling application, the “Multicast” checkbox
has to be checked in the Device Discovery dialog before opening a camera.
It is important to enter a suitable maximal packet size. This packet size is
determined as the minimum packet size from all intended listeners. When for
example all applications but one have jumbo frames adjusted to 16112 bytes
and the one application has jumbo frames adjusted to 9000 bytes then the
minimum (9000) has to be entered in the above shown dialog.
A multicast data stream can be identified in SVCapture by a change in a camera
view’s title. A multicast group (232.x.x.x) along with the used port will be
shown instead of a camera’s MAC that is usually displayed in that place.
Further the camera is operated as usual in the controlling application without
any changes to normal mode.
A listening application will see a hint “MULTICAST” in the “IP address” field of
the discovery dialog for a camera that is streaming in multicast mode along
with the IP address of the multicast group.