Users Manual – svs4021, svs2020,svs2050, svs2051, svs1020, svs1050, svs285, svs340, svs625
p. 79
Last Update 20.07.2009
19 Appendix E
19.1 PC and OS Requirements
It is recommended to use a PC with a Pentium P4 processor at
2.4 GHz
higher. The camera is working also on lower frequencies but it might not deliver
the full frame rate in those cases. The operation system must be XP.
We don’t
support WIN 98/ NT/2000 or older Operation systems. Linux or VXworks
interfacing must be developed by the experienced user.
19.2 Firewall considerations
The GigE Vision standard defines a communication based on UDP packets
between a GigE Vision compliant camera and a host PC. Often PC firewalls are
adjusted to be restrictive and not to allow for sending UPD packets from the
outside of the PC to a port that has been opened by an application
Sometimes the firewall settings have been adjusted during installation of the
operating system or afterwards such that the user will be asked if the UDP data
stream should be enabled once a camera starts sending UDP packets to the PC.
When clicking OK in response to that question the application will be added to a
list of exceptions. A firewall will let those applications communicate with
network devices like a GigE Vision camera over the network. In case the
Windows installation has been adjusted such that the user will not be asked
when an outside device starts sending network packets to an application then
that application has to be enabled manually in order to achieve the same as
before.An appropriate dialog can be opened for example when right-clicking on
the network icon in the tray and selecting “Change Windows.