Users Manual – svs4021, svs2020,svs2050, svs2051, svs1020, svs1050, svs285, svs340, svs625
p. 13
Last Update 20.07.2009
3 Software
3.1 SVCapture/GigE Vision Camera Viewer
You can use the SVCapture without the “Filter Driver” but if you want to lower
the CPU load when grabbing images install it now.
You will observe a loss of frames if you do not use the driver.
If you have installed the camera and connected the power, you can install the
driver and the GUI to do the first test. Copy the “
” to your disk
drive, double click on the SVCapture icon and a window will open.
The software SVCapture displays images sent from SVS-GigE-Cameras via
Gigabit Ethernet to your PC (with Windows XP) and allows adjusting basic
camera settings. Ask for Linux driver distributions separately ( Suse, Ubuntu).