Users Manual Area Scan Cameras SVSGigE
Page 12
Users Manual –evo1050, evo2050, evo2150, evo4050, evo4070, evo8050 and evo12040
on “Automatic” which will provide to a search for a free IP address and to assigning it
to the camera given that the interface IP could be determined properly.
That dialog can also be brought up when right clicking on an entry in the discover dia-
log and subsequently selecting “Force IP address” in the context menu. However,
when adjusting the PC network settings to LLA the camera must not get assigned a
fixed network address
NOTE: The network settings performed in the “Force IP address” dialog are
only valid until the next shutdown and restart of a camera. For per-
manently changing a camera’s network settings the “Network set-
tings” dialog can be used instead. That dialog can also be opened in
the context menu which is displayed when right-clicking on an entry
in the discover dialog.