Mystic Tan Kyss™
Owner’s Manual
Once the session begins, the voice prompts will guide the user through the tanning process.
The process has only two stances: a front spray and a back spray. During both stances, the
user will stand on the designated foot pads and follow the prompts.
The first stance will be facing toward the spray nozzle with arms extended out.
After the front stance, the booth will prompt the user that a dry cycle is beginning.
The user will turn around and face away from the spray nozzle for the back session.
After the back spray, the voice prompt will inform the user of the final drying session.
After drying, the user should exit the booth and shut both doors.
Following the spray session, the booth will begin an
automatic rinse cycle (see page 18 on The Admin System Page if this feature is not activated). The rinse cycle
features a safety condition to ensure a user is not in the booth when the rinse cycle begins. The door must be
OPENED and CLOSED (signifying an individual exiting the booth) for the rinse cycle to begin. If the door is
not closed after exiting, the rinse will not begin.