CheckPoint Pharma and CheckPoint
Operation and Maintenance Manual
SUEZ © 2018
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DLM 97200-03 EN Rev. A
22. After the vial has been analyzed, the results screen is displayed. Record the values of the
average and the RSD.
23. Calculate the Expected value as 500 ppb + the average value of the reagent water blank and
record the value.
24. Calculate the Percent Difference via the following equation:
25. Acceptance criteria are as follows:
RSD of the replicate measurements of the 500 ppb standard is
% Diff ±10%
Cleaning the Vial Sampling Kit
After performing the TOC or conductivity calibration, the Vial Sampling Kit should be cleaned prior to
storage. The recommended procedure for cleaning the kit after the TOC calibration is as follows:
1. Insert the reagent water blank into the vial port and perform a grab sample analysis.
2. Remove the reagent water blank vial and repeat the grab sample analysis without any vial in the
port to dry the calibration kit.
3. Replace the vial port dust cover, remove the calibration line from the Analyzer and connect the
line to the storage fitting on the vial sampling kit.
TOC Autozero
Because the CheckPoint calculates TOC from the difference in conductivity measurements before
and after UV oxidation, it is critical that the two conductivity cells match. The TOC autozero is an
adjustment of the Cell 2 offset to match the conductivity of cell 1 when the UV lamp is off (no
oxidation). The autozero can be performed either manually or scheduled for a time in which the water
system is relatively stable. The scheduled autozero calibration takes 1 hour, and the manual autozero
calibration takes 30 minutes. The Sensor should be used in on-line mode until the readings are stable
before performing an Autozero.