Torq-Tronics 2
® /
Owners Manual
13: Over Capacity Situations
Each Torq-Tronics 2 unit has a rated capacity that is easily visible on the front of
the unit near the transducer. Tools should be tested that are between 10% and
75% of the rated capacity for the unit.
Torq-Tronics 2 is a rugged and reliable unit. It is engineered to withstand over
capacity situations. However, when a unit has been stretched to 120% of rated
capacity a number of things happen. It is imperative to understand what has hap-
pened, and the impact it has on your test results.
Torq-Tronics 2 has been engineered to help support your workers and guide
them to do the right thing during the over capacity situation.
When the Torq-Tronics 2 is taken to 120% over capacity, the Torque Indicator
LED holds solid red and then begins a rapid flashing sequence.
Next the 6 digit middle line of the display displays the torque value that has taken
the unit into over-capacity.
The top line of the display now displays OV 120% capacity. You no longer see
the target torque range numbers.
Torq-Tronics 2 will continue to operate, however, the following changes occur:
OK/NG is no longer displayed.
Track mode is no longer operable.
The Torque Indicator LED continues the rapid flash sequence.
If the unit is turned off, the LED stops flashing, but returns as soon as power is restored.
If the memory function was set to ON during the over capacity event, overload infor-
mation is stored in memory.
Over capacity information is stored in a non-erasable memory location inside the unit.
It is stored in non-erasable memory whether the memory function was set to on or off.
Non-erasable memory cannot be erased.
If the unit memory was set to on and a worker tries to erase the memory in an effort to
stop the LED from flashing, the display shows the message ‘See Supervisor.’ This is a
safety precaution engineered in to the unit to give you more control over your processes.
If tests are continued on the unit after the over capacity event and prior to having the
overload flag reset, each test record will be tagged with an OVL in the test record. This
is another way of providing traceability so if you have errors you can catch them before
your customer does.
To See the Captured Overload Point of Torq-Tronics 2 process
Using a Hyper-terminal type program set for 4800 baud, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit,
Parity: None.
Type: O<enter>
The Torq-Tronics 2 will send, via the RS-232, a print string showing the captured over-
load (See Serial Command Appendix A, Print string command for format)
13.10 Clearing ‘Overload’ of Torq-Tronics 2 process
Using a Hyper-terminal type program set for 4800 baud, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit,
Parity: None.
13.10.1 Type: D<enter>
13.10.2 Then Type: Z <enter>
13.10.3 Then Type: D<enter>
Owners Manual
Torq-Tronics 2
Sturtevant Richmont
Direct: 1 847/455-8677
U.S. Toll-Free: 800/877-1347
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