Instructions for Use
4. Intended use
4. Intended use
Patient warming system with reusable applied parts, used for body warming.
4.1 Intended medical indications
ASTOPAD can be used in all areas used for medical purposes for prophylaxis
against the patient cooling down or for treating hypothermia. The individual AS-
TOPAD applied parts can be used as over-blankets and/or under-blankets, pads
(OR table pad) or a mattress. The OR table pads and mattresses are also used to
relieve pressure on the patient.
4.2 Contraindications
There are no known contraindications for patient warming.
4.3 Possible adverse effects
With proper use, no side effects are expected from the ASTOPAD. For longer sur-
gical procedures, there is an increased risk of decubitus ulcers. To reduce the risk
of decubitus ulcers, the additional use of a pressure-relieving pad is recom-
mended if the operating time exceeds two hours.
4.4 Intended patient group
ASTOPAD must not be used for patients with a height of less than 35 cm.
Only the ASTOPAD applied parts COV070 and SOF7 may be used for patients
with a height of between 35 and 90 cm.
For all other patients with a height greater than 90 cm, all ASTOPAD applied
parts may be used.
4.5 Intended body part
ASTOPAD applied parts COV are designed for use under or over the patient,
completely or partially (upper body and extremities) and the head (without field of
ASTOPAD applied parts SOF and ROE are designed for use under the patient,
fully or partially (upper body and extremities).
ASTOPAD applied parts may have direct skin contact. It is recommended that a
thin, water-tight and absorbent pad is used between the ASTOPAD applied part
and the patient.
ASTOPAD control unit and connection cables are not designed for direct skin